When I bought my waterfront property on Lake Wylie, job ONE was to secure my shoreline. I had just spent what I felt like was a small fortune to live on the water and between neglect, rain, muskrats, and the sands of time, my shoreline needed work. Problem was…  my shoreline could not be accessed from the land… It had to be done from the water. Enter Jonathan Edwards and Edwards grading.

I liked Jonathan right from the start. He struck me as a “look you in the eye, handshake, kind of guy”, I liked that and I still feel that way today. When my wall was finished and you approached it from the water, you could tell it was an “Edwards wall“.  It was straight and stout. Solid…and he gained my respect with the finished project. Over the years I’ve had him help me with other projects… Like my wraparound driveway and drainage and the site work that I needed done to my house after it burned from a fire and had to be rebuilt.

When you live on the water, you quickly learn which contractors are worthy and which ones are not, which ones do what they say and which ones do not … which ones are good and which ones are not… Jonathan Edwards and Edwards grading are one of the good ones. They get it done.”